July 06, 2018
I’m a realist…straight up.
I am not going to pretend that every bit of art, every brightly coloured in, scribbled on piece of butchers paper, every “Anna, Elsa & Olaf” rehash is going to cut the mustard in terms of you keeping it on the fridge for a week or two or even keeping it for a lifetime. I understand the quandary around ‘what to do with all of this art?’…so clearly we know that there is a solution around the real “Masterpieces” that your little one produces – enter a Jimmy Halfpenny Book!! But what to do with the other 578 pieces that may not make the cut?!
Well my friend Jenna Templeton has put her creative cap on and come up with 9 alternate uses for kids’ artwork in her recent blog on childmagsblog. It’s worth a read, from wrapping paper, to furniture re-styling, this girls got panache when it comes to what to do with the rest of your stash!!
CHILDMAGSBLOG – 9 alternate uses for kids’ artwork