July 06, 2018
You have heard the old adage…there are never enough hours in the day. Well it seems it couldn’t be more true for the life of a Work At Home Mum! Making the jump from a “real job” to that of your own start-up or home business can be a daunting leap and not for the faint hearted. It takes courage, guts, determination, and an unstoppable, unwavering belief in your product, concept or service and ALOT of time investment! The lovely Belinda Owen is writing for Business Jump this month and her latest blog takes us through the taboo subjects which often are hush hushed in the world of Women in Business. What she reveals in her blog, which looks at interviewing and dishing the dirt on 11 like-minded business women, however is that your own enterprise can take up A LOT of time. However the common theme seems to be, that because you love what you are doing, and its your baby… at times it doesn’t really feel like a “real job” anyway! And inevitably in the world of business as you might have already guessed… “you reap what you sew”!
How many hours are needed to run profitable WAHM business?