Halloween – A little treat for you & your "Street Posse"!

July 06, 2018

Okay so I have to admit..hands in the air..I have never ever in my life carved out a pumpkin for Halloween! Never knifed out the flesh, never scooped out the seeds, never had orange stained fingers, never placed the candle, not even lit the wick!! I know its totally unbelievable, albeit slightly neglectful, given I have 3 children, the eldest of which is 9 years old and…. the fact that I have been on this earth for 39 years!!

Okay..there is my confession for this session. Phew…onward we go!

I do recall as a child going trick or treating. That was back in the good old days whereby roaming the neighbourhood with your “street posse” was safe, and bountiful in terms of your lolly haul. Fast forward 30 years later, and I have to say that I only allow my little munchkins to “roam the streets” if I have their backs..pretty much no less than 5 metres away! I assume we all share this paranoia, unless you probably come from a more rural or small town area, where you basically know everyone in the street and surrounding neighbourhood…oh the charm of that scenario! Anyway…last year I decided to host a Halloween Party for our friends – kids included. We decorated our house with the obligatory cob webs, skulls, bats, ghosts and goblins, plastic chopped off hands and other gory paraphernalia, it came up a real treat! If you’ll pardon the pun. We arranged costumes and games for the kids and the parents dressed up & drank “blood” out of wine glasses (there has to be some fun for the oldies!). We had a great night, and it felt good to make an effort. As ever I am only too familiar with the pressures to do it all for our kids, a trip to the dollar shop, however on this occasion paid itself back 20 fold!

This year I am not hosting another party however we are catching up with some friends on the weekend of Halloween, and it made me think about what I could do this year for the kids. Short of traipsing around the darkened neighbourhood, in the vague hope that the kids will receive a treat or two, or god forbid have to do a trick?? Lets face it…no kid trick or treats to do tricks, right?!

I began to think about what alternatives I could offer my little hopefuls.

I started my search, whilst fully reclined on the couch, on Pinterest, which I’m sure for the large majority of you that regularly frequent this totally addictive world, know that it is a MINE FIELD of creative ideas and activities, whatever the theme, occasion or event! I stumbled upon these two activities that I thought would be easy enough to do, using some materials I already have around the house, or at least that I could start to collect. As you know, this is always important for my busy self, and that is to be able to grab at random bits around the home, as opposed to having to hugely pre-planned activity with think ahead purchases required. It’s just not how I operate! These activities I feel will not only give us something to gift onto the other little ghosts & goblins at our gathering but will also keep them amused in a “Halloweeny” way!! Why not try making these fabulous “Witches Broom Treat Bags” and fill them with an assortment of goodies. Then you could ensure that the kids to use up some of their sugar buzz, by getting them to create some painted “Halloween Tin Bowling Cans”, either before the event or get all the kids attending the party to paint an individual can, and then let the kids hammer away at the tin cans, preferably outside on the lawn, enjoying some bowling fun in the sun!

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