Holiday Photo Frolics – What’s in a name?

July 06, 2018

I’ve noticed that there is an increasing enviable trend of superb Mummy “Instagrammers” busting out the most amazing daily photographs of little staged moments in their lives. From interior styling splendours, to fashion fancies, to home office deities, these pictures inspire me – the beauty of their simplicity and taking these everyday objects and craftily “beautifying” them has become, quite frankly, an Artform! Take a gorgeous Mumma in my circle…@ michellesambells..she astounds me everyday with her creative take on…the everyday! She takes the time to photograph her daily “tea” break in the most splendid of forms. She combines an incredibly artistic eye and manages to turn her cup of self-time, into an amazing shot every single day! From drawing on the natural wonders found on her sprawling untamed acreage on the sunny Central Coast to incorporating kids toys and scrabble letters, she certainly has a knack for showcasing these simple moments in all their glory!

Using this as my inspiration, I have decided I am going to set my children a task this holidays. I thought it might be fun for the kids to have a creative mission everyday. Using the natural environment – sticks, blooms, leaves, as well as cafe’s & delectable delights we may partake in or objects found at friends houses that we may visit as our materials, I wondered if they too could “beautify” every day objects in the form of creating their own names. Once they have created their name they could then photograph it, adding filters to add life to their artful “name plates”.

I had a little go whilst writing this blog…see what you think?

I think its just a cute little activity that can be done on the hop. It will engage your children as well as friends children in a fun activity that uses their creative brains and highlights the beauty of their name through the use of both the natural and man made environment, showcased simply and beautifully through the lens of a camera.

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